What is Roadside Service?
Roadside Service is a drive up drive away flower express. It’s a one of kind, quick, convenient service that enables you to purchase our quality cut flowers right from your car. Just like a drive thru window…this is a drive up flower service!
When is Roadside Service available?
Roadside Service will be available in the late spring months thru the early months of the fall. When opened for the season, we will be outside for your convenience Monday , Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 1-5:30, Wednesday 12-4:00 (times and days are subject to change). This is a weather permitting service.
Where is Roadside Service available?
Roadside Service is available outside of Carlone’s Florist at 16 Dexter St Portsmouth, RI. (Bear right at the fork at Clements market going north bound and Dexter St is a ½ mile down on the left hand side past St. Anthony’s Church)
How does Roadside Service work?
Roadside Service is a cash only service! You will have the option of either driving up or parking and walking over to our stand. We will have a friendly staff member outside assisting you with your purchase.
How will I know what you’re selling outside?
Every time we are open for Roadside Service we will have our “Roadside Service” board displayed outside. On this board we will list the item that we are selling for that day and its price. Bouquets will range from $10 to $30 depending on what they consist of.
Why should I utilize Roadside Service?
Quick, Convenient and Easy!!!